Academic Qualifications: B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, University of Surrey
Rachael joined Abel + Imray in 2020 and is based in our London office. During her studies Rachael covered advanced stress analysis, engineering control systems and analysis of vibration systems, plus 2 design projects concerning autonomous food and drink delivery robots.
As a final year project and summer research internship, Rachael investigated the potential benefit of implementing a novel engine, the Free Piston Engine, as the range extender in a series hybrid vehicle. She achieved this by setting up and running a co-simulation between a numerical model of the engine and a hybrid vehicle model.
Rachael was a placement student at Ricardo Technical Consultancy in the Automotive Division, where she was recognised as the Most Promising Female Engineer in 2018. Her placement activities included using 1D engine simulation to improve the economic performance of range extender engines in series hybrid vehicles, developing control strategies used in high integrity vehicle models and development of internal numerical tools used to optimise engine parameters for performance. During this time Rachael was also the project manager of a new hybrid and electric vehicle test facility.